Sunday 30 May 2010

Post MRCS Part B

So I finally sat the OSCE on thursday and it was a very passable exam although I think I screwed up 2-3 of the stations and thus may lead to my failing the exam. However, results aren't till the end of June so I can still try and be mindlessly optimistic.

Anyway, for all those considering sitting the exam this winter (which will very likely include my self), I shall endeavour to give you as many tips and advise as necessary using my experiences. Over the next few weeks, I shall blog about the format of the exam, the level of detail questioning required as well as books, courses and other revision aids.

Firstly, the exam involves 18 stations in addition to two 10 minute rest stations whereby you sit by yourself in a cubicle and one twenty minute rest station separating the exam in two and during which everyone who has sat the same stations gathers and has tea. Of the 18 stations these are divided as follows:

1) Anatomy and pathology:
1x speciality anatomy station
2x generic anatomy stations
1x generic pathology station

2) Communication skills:
2x history on speciality topics
1x generic history
1x explain something to patient/relative (also has a 9 minute prep station whereby you read the notes)
1x communicate with a colleague over the phone (also has a prep station whereby you have 9 minutes to read notes and prepare)

3)Clinical skills and patient safety:
3x speciality topics- physical exam
1x generic system- physical exam
2x procedure e.g gloving/cannulation/blood cultures/excision of lesion

4)Critical care and physiology
1x manned station with imaging/results for interpretation
1x 2 manned station with a scenario and viva on critical care
1x manned station and viva on physiology and critical care

Ok so that's me done for now but watch this space for further info in the coming days and weeks.


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